Is ERDINGER Alkoholfrei one of your rituals?
Have you noticed that whenever you do something regularly you get into certain habits? Sometimes it’s because they make things quicker and easier, at other times it’s because you think they will improve your performance and occasionally, well, you’ve just always done it that way.
As you have been putting in the training miles for the MK Marathon Weekend rituals can take on additional meaning and importance, as getting them right can put you in the right frame of mind and may give you a winning edge. But have you ever stopped to think about what your rituals are before going on your training run or are you focused and on autopilot during your preparations?
Laying out all your gear to make sure you have everything is a given, as is making sure you eat the right food so you have the energy you need to complete the course. But what other preparations have become a habit?
Maybe it’s putting on one running shoe before the other, kissing a good luck charm, or listening to an inspiring podcast or some favourite music. It could be wearing a ‘lucky’ garment or completing a choreographed set of stretching exercises – each one will develop over time and will be personal to every individual.
The team at ERDINGER Alkoholfrei noticed that these routines were an integral part of an active lifestyle yet, for everything that people do before putting on their running shoes, they also noticed that there is only one ritual at the end of exercise or activity – reaching for a cold can of ERDINGER Alkoholfrei.
The isotonic properties of this sporty thirst quencher mean it can be absorbed into the body quickly and efficiently, quenching your thirst and replacing lost fluids. Isotonic means that two liquids have the same concentration of dissolved particles, the same concentration of sugar and minerals as blood. Our body cells naturally strive for a balanced concentration. We call the exchange of fluids between cells osmosis. If the osmotic pressure is equal, as it is in isotonic solutions, the fluid exchange takes place more easily. Isotonic drinks are the fastest way to compensate for fluid and mineral loss.
Apart from how refreshing ERDINGER Alkoholfrei is, its composition efficiently supplies your body with the minerals and fluids it needs. Its valuable ingredients flow directly into your cells and don’t stress the body unnecessarily like other, very sugary, fizzy drinks. It is also natural and less sweet because it contains no added sugar. This means that the body has less work to do and you feel refreshed more quickly. The composition of the drink has the same chemical composition as human blood and therefore gets where it’s needed very quickly. ERDINGER Alkoholfrei also contains valuable nutrients including the essential vitamins folic acid (B9) and B12 which contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
After an intensive training session, or competing at an event, you feel exhausted. The carbohydrate stores are empty, your body may have already tapped into its reserves. Now is the time to ensure it recovers and refuels so that you can go all out again next time. A refreshing glass of ERDINGER Alkoholfrei normalises inflammation levels in the body, which shoot up during physical exertion, and supports the immune system. Your muscles are re-energised, your cells are supplied with minerals and water and you are actively supporting your body’s recovery process.
We wish you GOOD LUCK for race day, and your ongoing training, but make sure you join us at the finish line for your refreshing ERDINGER Alkoholfrei, your ritual after sport. And if you didn’t think you had a ritual before sport, remember to check next time and see if there are certain things you incorporate into your routine that you just hadn’t realised you were doing.
ERDINGER Alkoholfrei – delicious refreshment without a guilty conscience. It’s isotonic, low in calories, natural and pure.
ERDINGER Weissbier Alkoholfrei
YouTube Video Link – Your Ritual After Sport: ERDINGER Alkoholfrei – YouTube
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“The MK Half has been something of a Holy Grail race to me and having finally, after 5 years run it, I can safely say the wait was worth it.”

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“Thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. The atmosphere and organisation that the stadium brings lends something a little bit special to the event!”

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